Dershowitz: I Can’t Support a Party with ‘Anti-Democracy’ Netanyahu Boycotters

On Thursday’s broadcast of Newsmax TV’s “The Record,” Harvard Law School Professor Emeritus Alan Dershowitz said that he “can’t support a party that has Liz Warren and Bernie Sanders” and those who boycotted Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s speech on Wednesday and he takes a view of “boycott the boycotters. If you boycotted Netanyahu, I’m
Dershowitz: I Can’t Support a Party with ‘Anti-Democracy’ Netanyahu Boycotters

On Thursday’s broadcast of Newsmax TV’s “The Record,” Harvard Law School Professor Emeritus Alan Dershowitz said that he “can’t support a party that has Liz Warren and Bernie Sanders” and those who boycotted Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s speech on Wednesday and he takes a view of “boycott the boycotters. If you boycotted Netanyahu, I’m boycotting you. I’m not going to ever vote for you or support you or give you any kind of financial support.” He also stated that “The Liz Warrens of the world are anti-American, anti-Israel, anti-democracy.”

Dershowitz said, “[T]he Democrats who are supporting Hamas are driving people like me out of the Democratic Party. I hear it from so many of my friends who have been Democrats like me since John Kennedy and Lyndon Johnson. I can’t identify with a party, 80 members of whom decided to apply a bigoted double standard and stay away from Netanyahu’s speech. … I can’t support a party that has Liz Warren and Bernie Sanders and 80 people who walked out, my view is boycott the boycotters. If you boycotted Netanyahu, I’m boycotting you. I’m not going to ever vote for you or support you or give you any kind of financial support. Let’s be pro-American. America benefits from its relationship with Israel. The vast majority of congressmen and senators, mostly Republicans, but some Democrats as well, support Israel. The vast majority of the American people support Israel. The Liz Warrens of the world are anti-American, anti-Israel, anti-democracy.”

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