Horror moment speeding biker gets smashed by car crossing double lines

Shocking video captured the moment a motorcyclist smashed into a car, leaving many to wonder who is at fault. The biker appeared to be speeding down the median of jam packed highway when the crash occurred.  Dashboard camera footage posted on social media shows the car crossing over the solid double white lines painted on
Horror moment speeding biker gets smashed by car crossing double lines

Shocking video captured the moment a motorcyclist smashed into a car, leaving many to wonder who is at fault.

The biker appeared to be speeding down the median of jam packed highway when the crash occurred. 

Dashboard camera footage posted on social media shows the car crossing over the solid double white lines painted on the road and collide with the motorcycle as it soared passed.

The front bumper of the car fell of the vehicle and the motorcyclist catapulted into the air.

Fragments of the car and the motorcycle are blown across the highway and the biker writhed in pain on the concrete.

Dashboard camera footage captured the moment a speeding motorcyclist collided with a car crossing over double lines on a jam packed highway

Dashboard camera footage captured the moment a speeding motorcyclist collided with a car crossing over double lines on a jam packed highway

Footage of the crash has sparked a debate online with many pointing out the faults with both drivers.

Some commenters feel the car is to blame because it crossed a solid line and did not appear to check its surroundings.

‘It’s illegal to cross a Double/Double yellow line especially exiting a carpool lane that has specific entry and exit points! Car is 100 percent at fault,’ one person said.

‘[The car] come on now y’all don’t got a license or what? You don’t cross those double lines no matter what and it’s not illegal for bikes to travel near the carpool lane,’ said another.

‘Dude not only is he going to pay more than two grand for crossing a double solid line but the lawsuit he is going to get from the guy riding the bike. Bro better cough up retirement money,’ said a third person.

Others said the biker is to blame for recklessly driving through traffics and trying to pass by the other cars.

‘I never understand why those bikers just don’t ride the shoulder in traffic jams. I’m surprised this doesn’t happen a lot more,’ said one person. 

The front bumper of the car fell of the vehicle and the motorcyclist catapulted into the air

The front bumper of the car fell of the vehicle and the motorcyclist catapulted into the air

Fragments of the car and the motorcycle are blown across the highway and the biker writhed in pain on the concrete

Fragments of the car and the motorcycle are blown across the highway and the biker writhed in pain on the concrete

‘The bike. He’s not supposed to be going through traffic like that,’ a second person said.

‘Bike was going way too fast to be in traffic, he was splitting lanes. Bikes fault… as usual,’ said another.

Many said both drivers are to blame and noted they each violated traffic laws with their actions.

‘Both at fault, [car] crossing double line and biker just because you a bike don’t mean you can drive down the double lane you are bound by the same laws,’ one commenter said.

‘This is a matter of wrong vs wronger,’ said another.

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